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Our Green Commitment

Did you know that our polluted planet and our current lifestyles affect fertility?

For example, the decline in sperm quality is directly linked to endocrine disrupting chemicals that result from pollution.

As a fertility clinic, this affects our clients, so we have an obligation to take action. 

In 2015, the United Nations produced 17 ways to help. These are called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are a call for action to all of us to combat global issues such as poverty, climate change and inequality.


Our aim is to "walk the talk" to create a more sustainable future by 2030 for all of us. Since X&Y helps with create families, we have a moral duty to ensure the best possible world for our children to inherit.

At X&Y Fertility, we are proactively working towards these goals. ​

Our Impact

“What if we could make something great happen in our world

just by doing the things we do every day?”

This inspired quote is from B1G1 and fits perfectly with our values at X&Y.

B1G1 is an international group that provides businesses with a platform to directly support projects to help others. By being a "Business for Good" partner, whenever we do business, we donate to causes aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.​

What are the Goals about?

For every licensed activity we perform, we fund a project supporting an SDG.

Some of the goals are more relevant to fertility, such as reducing waste and improving air quality by reducing pollution, as we know this directly affects fertility.


Some of the actions taken might seem rather small.

However, just like an embryo, tiny changes can bring about remarkable results! 

We invite you to join us on our journey to make the world sustainable and fertile.


At X&Y Fertility, we focus on the following goals:

Goal  3

UN Sustainable Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
  • As part of our inclusivity to all cultures and genders, we help everyone with fertility treatment and tests. We never discriminate.

  • We support the NHS by skipping the lengthy waiting lists.

  • Equitable healthcare provision is ensured for all of our clients

  • Safeguarding our patients is of utmost importance.

  • We can help people with HIV to conceive healthy children.

  • We always screen for Rubella, prior to offering any fertility treatment, to reduce any risks during pregnancy. 

Goal 4 

UN Sustainable Goal 4: Quality Education
  • Our Fertility Friday podcast provides quality education about topics such as fertility, wellbeing and lifestyle. We've also covered our actions towards net zero, all with aim of improving fertility.

  • Our blogs educate people about various fertility topics, including different conditions and how we can alleviate them. 

  • We educate our clients about all treatments options so that they can make well-informed decisions. We review reports from other clinics and answer any questions that they may have. 

  • We show our patients how we fulfil our role as a B1G1 Business For Good, and how we support international impact-driven projects to help meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Goal 5 

UN Sustainable Goal 5: Gender Equality
  • We provide services to the LGBTQ+ community.

  • We 100%  believe that we all have the same right to have a family. 

  • We advocate that all people deserve the same fair treatment, regardless of gender. People are people. It's that simple.

  • We offer sperm storage for trans women and full sperm and blood checks for single people and same-sex male couples who may be thinking about having a family via surrogacy. 

  • Our staff at X&Y Fertility are always respected and treated equally.

Goal 7 

UN Sustainable Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  • At X&Y, we are big on recycling. We've explored how to best separate and dispose of our non-clinical waste in the most sustainable way possible. 

  • Our team includes members of the Leicestershire County Council Environmental Action Volunteer group. 

  • We've undergone independent energy audits with the University of Leicester. We did well but we can do better. We have since made proactive changes and are  looking at solar panels for our roof. 

Goal 12

UN Sustainable Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • We have asked all of suppliers for their green credentials.

  • We select goods and services based on whether they can demonstrate responsible production and consumption policies.

  • We have adopted LEAN SIX SIGMA across the clinic to reduce waste and improve efficiency in all of our processes. 

Goal 13

UN Sustainable Goal 13: Climate Action
  • Our team are encouraged to cycle and/or walk to work when possible. 

  • You can read a post about cycling to our Leicester clinic here 

  • We are fertile with plants too and grow all sizes in the public areas of our clinic. This improves the air quality of our clinic environment.

  • Many staff members practise composting and dedicate time to volunteering with allotments to help grow vegetables for the local community. 

Goal 16

UN Sustainable Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Impacting Reproductive Health

We’re passionate about creating real, meaningful, and worldwide impact. So when we help you, we'll make a difference collectively. For example, every time were provide a fertility treatment, we'll help to fund access to a reproductive health awareness session in rural India.

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Giving for each sperm donation

Our donors choose projects they want to support. When we create a family with the kind help from a donor, we give to their chosen project, e.g. providing safe access to drinking water in Tanzania. 


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Together We’ll Have an X&Y Impact

As a supporter of X&Y Fertility, you become part of a global giving movement on a mission to create a world full of giving.

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